InventionThe point mutations in Hox+ were identified by Dr. Pengbo Zhou at Weill Cornell University. Dr. Zhou's team discovered that all 39 of the Hox genes are ubiquinated via Cullin4a (Cul4a). The team then identified a minimal set of point mutations in the ubiquinated region and confirmed in vitro and in vivo that proteins with such point mutations (aka "LEXE") exhibit drastically extended intracellular half-life.
All Parthenon Bioreagent proteins are manufactured in the laboratory of Ichor Life Sciences of Syracuse New York. Ichor Life Science specializes in advanced proteins such as the Hox family, which are intrinsically disordered. Release criteria include >90% purity by SDS gel electrophoresis. Proteins are manufactured in e.coli or mammalian systems depending on the Hox protein of choice.